Spongebob Sux - Showing How Gay Spongebob is
Nickelodeon and Gay Spongebob
Funny Spongebob Sucks Pictures
Gay Spongebob's Influence People
Gay Spongebob Lovers That are Pissed
Reasons Why Spongebob is Gay
Gay Spongebob Lovers
AIM Chat

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Welcome to SpongebobSux1.tripod.com, remember the .COM makes it official.
Enjoy some Anti Spongebob criticism and entertainment.

This web site is to show how gay Spongebob Cheeseblock/Gaypants is and that the only people who like it are Homosexuals, Little Kids (From 1 to 4), Retarded People and/or people with no lives.



Added two new pages for all the fags taht got pissed over the truth I was telling here and the page taht shows the fags why Spongebob IS AND WILL ALWAYS BE GAY and I am working on a new page that shows the work of the fags. Enjoy the new content.



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Spongebob Sucks Song Lyrics

Are you ready to say bye, bye to dumb gay spongebob?
Aie, Aie Captain
I can't hear you
Aie, Aie Captain!

Who cares about a gay fag, no one likes him
Spongebob Gaypants

Kick his ass in and blow his ass up
Spongebob Gaypants

Spongebob Gaypants
Spongebob Gaypants
Spongebob Gaypants
Spongebob Gaypants

Spongebob Gaypants!

*spongebob playing his dick nose*